
How to uninstall skype for business windows 8
How to uninstall skype for business windows 8

There are fundamental differences between the command-line commands that you can run in Windows PowerShell or CLSController. To return a list of all the RBAC roles this cmdlet has been assigned to (including any custom RBAC roles you have created yourself), run the following command from the Skype for Business Server Management Shell or the Windows PowerShell prompt: Get-CsAdminRole | Where-Object To configure the Centralized Logging Service scope by using the Skype for Business Server Management Shell, you must be a member of either the CsAdministrator or the CsServerAdministrator role-based access control (RBAC) security groups, or a custom RBAC role that contains either of these two groups. The Centralized Logging Service can be run at a scope that includes a single computer or a pool of computers, at a site scope (that is, a defined site such as the site Redmond that contains a collection of computer and pools in your deployment), or at a global scope (that is, all computers and pools in your deployment). This is not to say that there is no use for these cmdlets in on-premises deployments, but their use is a more advanced topic that is not covered in this documentation. The settings defined in these cmdlets will not hinder or cause any adverse behavior, but they are designed for use with Microsoft 365 or Office 365 and will not yield the expected results in on-premises deployments. CsClsSecurityGroup cmdlets: Get-CsClsSecurityGroup, Set-CsClsSecurityGroup, New-CsClsSecurityGroup, and Remove-CsClsSecurityGroup.CsClsSearchTerm cmdlets: Get-CsClsSearchTerm and Set-CsClsSearchTerm.CsClsRegion cmdlets: Get-CsClsRegion, Set-CsClsRegion, New-CsClsRegion, and Remove-CsClsRegion.Although they may appear to work, the following cmdlets are not designed to function with Skype for Business Server 2015 on-premises deployments:

how to uninstall skype for business windows 8 how to uninstall skype for business windows 8

Not all Windows PowerShell cmdlets listed for the Centralized Logging Service are intended for use with Skype for Business Server 2015 on-premises deployments.

How to uninstall skype for business windows 8